1.75" Electrode for Charbroil and Kenmore Distress Finished Gas Grills Reviews
Comes with wide female spade connector.Recommended for outdoor kitchen gas grill products.Fits BBQ Pro 415.23668310, Charbroil 415.16120901 and Kenmore 16118.Features a Charbroil and Kenmore gas grill electrode.Measures 1.87 inch high by 20 inches wi.

Ignite your gas grills and charbroils with this electrode. This authentic component is a must-have for grand cafes, grill halls, etc. Neatly cleaned before, use, it lights up your burner to enhance your cooking skills. Product FeaturesElectrode comes with female spade connectionUsed with the following gas grill models: BBQ Pro 415.23668310, Charbroil 415.16120901, Charbroil 415.90110110, Charbroil 463611011, Charbroil 463611012, Charbroil 463611211, Charbroil 463611212, Charbroil 463611809, Charbroil 463612010, Charbroil 463612509, Charbroil 463620207, Charbroil 463620208, Charbroil 463620410, Charbroil 463620415, Charbroil 463620511, Charbroil 463631009, Charbroil 463631810, Charbroil 463820307, Charbroil 463820308, Charbroil 640-174093112, Charbroil C-22G0S, Kenmore 16118, Kenmore 16120, Kenmore 415.16118110, Kenmore 415.16120, Kenmore 415.90110110, Kenmore 640-174093112, Master Chef 280, Master Chef 85-1100, Master Chef 85-3001-8, Master Chef 85-3039-0, Master Chef G20718, Master Chef G20801, Master Chef G31501, Master Chef S280LP, Master Chef T280LP, Thermos 461611513, Thermos 461611514, Thermos 461630509, Thermos 461630710, Thermos 461661514.Recommended for outdoor kitchen gas grill productsDimensions: 1.87"H x 2"W x 0.68"DMaterial(s): ceramic
- Features a Charbroil and Kenmore gas grill electrode
- Comes with wide female spade connector
- Recommended for outdoor kitchen gas grill products
- Fits BBQ Pro 415.23668310, Charbroil 415.16120901 and Kenmore 16118
- Measures 1.87 inch high by 20 inches wide by 0.68 inch deep