Airtight Cold Brew Iced Coffee Maker and Tea Infuser with Spout - 1.0L Ovalware RJ3 Brewing Glass Carafe with Removable Stainless Steel Filter Reviews
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A Professional Brew From The Comfort Of Your Own Home
The RJ3 Cold Brew Maker produces a smoother, less acidic brew than conventional hot-water extraction and gives you a stronger concentrate that can be stored in the refrigerator.
You can dilute the mix with hot or cold water which means it s perfect for serving guests with different taste preferences.
You Don t Have To Be A Professional Barista
The cold-brew method is simple: you combine ground coffee with water and let the mixture sit for 12 to 24 hours, then dispense the coffee grounds in the filter - it s that simple.
Your Brew Is Less Acidic
The cold brew method produces coffee with about 33% less acid content than a regular hot brew, so it s much easier on your body and you are left with just the naturally delicious flavors.
Better Build Quality
Our modern and practical design comes with: no-spillage l