Paragon Professional Series 6 oz. Popcorn Machine Reviews
Pops (113) 1-ounce servings per hour.High-output hard-coat anodized aluminum kettle.Simply rotate handle to the right to release.Heavy-duty gear motor; all metal gears.Durable cabinet with stainless steel foodzone, tempered glass panels, and presentation lamp.Made in the USA.

If you've ever wondered if you could just ask real nicely and get into the movie theater wihthout a ticket just so you could buy a tub of popcorn to take home, then you probably need to know about the Paragon Professional Series 6 oz. Popcorn Machine. A kettle of high-output, hard-coated anodized aluminum is designed to produce thousands of batches, while the heavy duty gears keep everything moving to prevent scorching. With tempered glass on the sides and an interior food-space crafted from corrosion-resistant stainless steel, you can be sure that your popcorn will stay fresh and safe inside this durable, and easy to clean compartment. This design also makes it easy to comply with local health ordinances. The presentation lamp is easy to change, and with a pull of the lever you have a fresh, tasty batch of everyone's favorite snack
Paragon Focusing on quality workmanship and employing the latest technology, they were the first to introduce the 4-ounce popcorn popper. They focused on being the best and not the largest, but that attitude has grown them to one of the largest concession manufacturers around, distributing a full line of products that include sno-cone equipment, cotton candy machines and their full line of classic popcorn poppers to 43 countries.