proctor silex (24850) - 4 slice extra-wide slot commercial toaster Reviews
sometimes it is hard to keep up with demand with everyday items in the back room. but with the 4 compartment pop up toaster (24850), no one has to wait for bread in order to get a meal in front of a customer. the toaster allows you to toast automatically in a variety of ways, including a bagel funct
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sometimes it is hard to keep up with demand with everyday items in the back room. but with the 4 compartment pop up toaster (24850), no one has to wait for bread in order to get a meal in front of a customer. the toaster allows you to toast automatically in a variety of ways, including a bagel function. the unit is small yet efficient and effective, and the slices pop up in a way that makes them easy to reach. when you need a way to customize toasting abilities based on customers and orders, this commercial toaster is a great buy.
proctor silex (24850) - 4 slice extra-wide slot commercial toaster