Tenergy Masticating Juicer, Anti-Oxidation Slow Speed Cold Press Juicer, High Nutrient Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Juice Extractor, Easy to Clean Juicer with Jug and Brush Reviews
Product descriptionDRINK HEALTHY, LIVE WELL - Drink your way to a better life asthe Tenergy Slow Juicer produces the most fresh, cold-pressed juice that isavailable! The masticating (grind) method limits the amount of heat during thejuicing process to keep the vitamins and nutrients intact for heat-

DRINK HEALTHY, LIVE WELL - Drink your way to a better life asthe Tenergy Slow Juicer produces the most fresh, cold-pressed juice that isavailable! The masticating (grind) method limits the amount of heat during thejuicing process to keep the vitamins and nutrients intact for heat-sensitivefruits/vegetables. Our juicer yields 35% more juice than centrifugal juicersresulting in drier pulp (waste) and tastier, cleaner juice.
STRONGER MOTOR, BETTER JUICE - To provide the highestquality-most extracted vitamins that has little to no foam or oxidation theauger spins at a slower 55 RPM (rounds per minute). Built with a powerful 200Watt motor, the juice extractor machine can easily press out every richmicronutrient found in harder veggies/fruits/roots/nuts/beans (like celery,carrots, apples, pears, beets, ginger, turmeric, soybeans, almonds, etc).
SAVE MORE, CLEANSE SMARTER - Your body is your temple, supportthat structure with nutritionally dense juices to improve your overalllifestyle. The BPA-free parts are easy to assemble and disassemble for quickeruse and a faster clean! Cleanse your body without cleansing your wallet as thesavings for this slow juicer is comparable to buying a 5 day cleanse bottles.Cleanse Infinitely!
BETTER DESIGNED, GREATER VALUE - Featuring dual feed chutes forfaster and more complex juices, simultaneously press hard or soft fruits/veggies(Note: Do not feed ONLY hard fruits/veggies at once). The compact-verticaldesign of the electric juicer takes up less space and quietly operates (lessthan 60Db) for early morning users.
VERSATILE JUICER, TENERGY BACKED - Comes with 2 juicing screens(fine mesh-little to no pulp and larger mesh-with pulp) and an additional BONUSscreen for ice cream! Make sorbet style ice cream with frozen fruit for thosehot summer days! Have anti-oxidant, rich juice in the morning and nutritious icecream at night! It also comes with a cleaning brush. Register your Tenergy JuiceMaker and receive an extended 2 year warranty on the product.
25% More Juice From Hard Vegetables
The strong motor enables 25% more juice and vitamins to be extracted from thehard vegetables like beets or carrots.
High Torque Motor
The 200 watt motor rotates at a slow 55 rounds per minute to ensure that thejuice stays rich with vitamins and taste great.
Unique Sorbet Mesh
Easily turn frozen fruits into healthy and delicious sorbet. The speciallydesigned sorbet screen lets you make nutritious desserts.
Technical Specifications:
Juicer Type: Masticating, Cold-press Juicer
Power: 200 Watt
Speed: 55 RPMs
Chamber Capacity: 450ml
Mode: Juicing, Mixing
Control: Touch Buttons
Noise: <60Db
Auto-off: Yes, 20 minutes without operation
Dimension: 9.5*6.9*16.5 inches Weight: 9 lbs.
Packaging Contents
1x Slow Juicer
1x Coarse Juicing Screen
1x Fine Juicing Screen
1x Ice Cream/Sorbet Screen
1x Juice Container
1x Pulp Container
Tenergy Masticating Juicer, Anti-Oxidation Slow Speed Cold Press Juicer, High Nutrient Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Juice Extractor, Easy to Clean Juicer with Jug and Brush
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Tenergy Masticating Juicer, Anti-Oxidation Slow Speed Cold Press Juicer, High Nutrient Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Juice Extractor, Easy to Clean Juicer with Jug and Brush Best Deals
Tenergy Masticating Juicer, Anti-Oxidation Slow Speed Cold Press Juicer, High Nutrient Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Juice Extractor, Easy to Clean Juicer with Jug and Brush Customer Reviews

May 5, 2019