KitchenAid (KSM3316XCA) Artisan Mini Design Series 3.5 Quart Stand Mixer Reviews
Turn your stand mixer into the culinary center of your kitchen. With over 10 different attachments, you can make everything from fresh pasta to burgers, veggie noodles and more.

The Mini Mixer. Powerful Performance. The Artisan Mini Design Series tilt-head stand mixer makes up to 5 dozen cookies in a single batch, with the same power as the full size KitchenAid tilt-head Stand Mixers while being 20% smaller, 25% lighter. KitchenAid Artisan Mini Design Series compared to the full size KitchenAid tilt headStand Mixers.
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KitchenAid (KSM3316XCA) Artisan Mini Design Series 3.5 Quart Stand Mixer Best Deals
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Subscribe: I'm so excited to finally get my hands on a KitchenAid Mini Artisan Stand Mixer! I put it through a review to see if it really is 20% smaller, and 25% lighter than the Classic! I challenge it's "soft start" function, capacity and power! Giveaway CLOSED- Winner is GINA GUTIERREZ! BUY MY COOKBOOK:
KitchenAid (KSM3316XCA) Artisan Mini Design Series 3.5 Quart Stand Mixer Customer Reviews

May 22, 2020

April 20, 2020

April 11, 2020

March 11, 2020

January 8, 2020

November 7, 2019

September 26, 2019

January 31, 2019

October 11, 2018

August 23, 2018