KitchenAid KSB1570SL 5-Speed Blender with 56-Ounce BPA-Free Pitcher - Silver Reviews
KitchenAid KSB1570SL 5-Speed Blender with 56-Ounce BPA-Free Pitcher - Silver
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Intelli-Speed Motor ControlpulliIntelli-Speed Motor Control/liliSoft Start Feature/liliDie Cast Metal Base/liliVaried settings to easily blend a variety of food/li/ul/p
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KitchenAid KSB1570SL 5-Speed Blender with 56-Ounce BPA-Free Pitcher - Silver Best Deals
KitchenAid KSB1570SL 5-Speed Blender with 56-Ounce BPA-Free Pitcher - Silver Customer Reviews
I bought this 3 years ago and it functions like new! From salsas to pina coladas it does it all. All I have to buy is a spare jar to use for my drinks and it beats spending on multiple appliances. I hope Kitchen Aid never stops producing this one.

April 21, 2020
April 21, 2020