KitchenAid (KSM150PSPE) Artisan Series Pear 5 Quart Tilt Head Stand Mixer Reviews
This KitchenAid Artisan stand mixer is a heavy duty transmission that supplies constant power even when mixing heavy bread dough and gives ease to mixing any recipe. The stainless steel bowl is large enough for whipping up a batch of cookies or making dough for bread. The versatile machine includes three different attachments to make all recipes quicker and easier.
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The wire whip is great for aerating egg whites, and creaming butter, while the flat beater is best suited for softer cookie doughs and even mixing meat loaf. The dough hook is great for kneading yeast doughs for bread and rolls. The tilting head makes for easy clean-up, and easy access to the beaters and bowl. The mixer also features 10 different speeds and a pouring shield for those messy mixes. The unique mixing action creates a thorough blend of ingredients and moves in a way so that the beater moves to 59 different points around the bowl.
Assembled Product Dimensions (L x W x H):
8.70 x 8.70 x 13.90 Inches
Assembled Product Weight:
26 pounds
550 Watts
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KitchenAid (KSM150PSPE) Artisan Series Pear 5 Quart Tilt Head Stand Mixer Best Deals
KitchenAid (KSM150PSPE) Artisan Series Pear 5 Quart Tilt Head Stand Mixer Customer Reviews
My husband baught this for me as a Christmas present he gave it to me early i bake double to triple batches of cookies because family comes over everytime they know i start baking well i broke my last one so he baught me my vary first kitchen aid and im in love its heavy but so worth it christmas baking is better with kitchen aids in the house thank you

Baker lover
December 21, 2016
December 21, 2016